More Labour corruption
Peter Risdon on another case of Labour corruption, this time with the security for the
The only freedom which deserves the name is that of pursuing our own good in our own way - J S Mill
Peter Risdon on another case of Labour corruption, this time with the security for the
Remember how the postal voting system that Labour brought in lead to vote factories and electoral fraud on a scale that would disgrace a banana republic? Well the Labour Party is at it again. This vote rigging will no dought be helped by the fact that the safeguards put in because of the bad publicity they got last time don't work. Not that this need worry anybody in Scotland where Labour is, according to the polls, set to get hammered by the SNP since it has been decided that they don't need any safe guards against fraud at all! North of the border there is a deliberate campaigne to abuse the system:
Muhammad Shoaib, who left the Labour party to become an independent candidate last year, claimed there was "a deliberate campaign" to abuse the postal vote system.which mirrors what is happening south of the border as well, this is not an honest mistake from over enthusiam for letting people voice their views. Labour understands what they are doing:
He said: "Party workers put pressure on people to sign up for a postal vote. They then have a list of addresses which they know are registered for postal votes. They know when the forms arrive and go back saying that 'we can assist you filling in the form'. There's a lot of pressure put on people; they effectively force people to fill in the form and to vote for them."
One of the students conspiratorially told the group he believed that what they were doing was “illegal”. Hyde responded: “Yes it is. But we’ve done 25% already, so...”With another fairly obviously corrupt election coming up thanks to the Labour Party's desisions about postal voting what is Labour's answer? Why to use their own corruption as an excuse for ID Cards by forcing everybody that wants to vote in person to present one, even though voting in person is not where the corruption is happening.
Longrider about why markets are better than state control, but I feel he has not quite explained the really great thing about markets. The amazing thing about free markets is not that they somehow makes wicked men good, it is that it makes their wickedness irrelavent. Free markets are a technology that can convert bad intentions into good actions.
We always hear that politicians are going to hold a radical rethink of this, or a radical rethink of that. But always it is the same few ideas that come up. This can be seen whenever the shocking state of our education system comes up, not that they are alone in thinking that there is one proposal that will solve everything for everybody. For example you will always always and without fail somebody will claim that somehow bringing back corporal punishment would be a cure all. Equally you will find this ignored by the political establishment as it is not one of their proscribed ideas. Here is an example of what I mean, and for a bit of fun try to guess where the next quote comes from:
we find the astronomer and mathematician, James Inman ... deploring the abolition of the rod. He further remarks that a “black hole” as a place of confinement is needed [for his pupils as a result]!The Daily Mail perhaps? Unfold to find out.
Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. this right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers. This article shall not prevent States from requiring the licensing of broadcasting, television or cinema enterprises.
The exercise of these freedoms, since it carries with it duties and responsibilities, may be subject to such formalities, conditions, restrictions or penalties as are prescribed by law and are necessary in a democratic society, in the interests of national security, territorial integrity or public safety, for the prevention of disorder or crime, for the protection of health or morals, for the protection of the reputation or the rights of others, for preventing the disclosure of information received in confidence, or for maintaining the authority and impartiality of the judiciary.
Is there anybody that the government does not want to tag and control? First they propose imprisoning the mentally ill indefinitely without trial even if they have done nothing (under Labour, if you're paranoid they are out to get you). And yes I do mean imprisoning, there is no treatment going to be offered as this bill is about people for whom there is no treatment available. If there was they could be sectioned under the existing mental health act.
Perv-o-vision is coming to a street corner near you. Not just the corners either, but the whole street. This technical innovation will soon mean that CCTV operators will not even have to use their imaginations to find out what innocent passers-by look like naked for their masturbation their fantasies, you didn't think that they where trying to catch criminals did you? With shouty CCTV the passers-by will be able to get the sound effects as well. Not that the constant surveillance has any effect on real criminals at all. With no policemen out there to actually catch them they have really do have no need to fear, unlike everybody else.
The register as a piece on a company bigging up their facial tracking software but I don't get these numbers, how can they claim to be such a success with 20% to 40% rate of false positives? A false positive is as much as a failure as a false negative. A false positive can actually be even more destructive than a false negative. Just ask the innocent teenager thrown prison for 12 days because his school didn't understand that if they want to match up calls to a call log both have to be set to the same time, not one an hour behind the other. Or the mother shouted at by
I was ruthlessly pillaged Wat Tyler's blog for the natural resources that it contains, as you would expect from a nasty righty, and during my excavations this diagram by Prof Blanchflower blanchflower.jpg (image)